Article 13319

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Tsvetkova Irina Viktorovna, Doctor of philosophy, professor, sub-department of history and philosophy, Togliatti State University (14 Belorusskaya street, Togliatti, Russia), E-mail:  

Index UDK





Background. In modern conditions, competition between regions is increasing. The study of regional identity of theoretical and practical importance for the formation of the image of the territory. The aim of the study is to identify the structural elements of regional identity. They characterize objects of pragmatic importance for the population and have social and cultural significance.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the article is the construction of mental maps of space. This technique is used in modern science to study the value attitude of the population to the territory, the social characteristics of space. The empirical base of the study includes the results of a survey conducted among the residents of the Samara region.
Results. Analysis of the results of the study makes it possible to describe the mental maps of the population according to nine criteria. Natural objects, marked as objects of pride of the local population, serve as symbols. According to the results of the survey, natural objects perform important social and cultural functions. They are considered as conditions for large-scale cultural events, as well as for the rest of the population. Significant elements of the image of the territory are educational institutions, industrial enterprises. The pragmatic functions of these objects are complemented by symbolic characteristics associated with their uniqueness for the perception of the region.
Conclusion. Mental maps of the regional identity of the Samara region include contradictory images: pragmatic and symbolic. The analysis of regional identity structures shows that at the level of public consciousness they are poorly connected with historical traditions. Mental maps reflect the current state of the economy, ecology and culture. Thus, the regional identity of the population of the Samara region is in the stage of formation. Stable images that characterize the uniqueness of this territory are not created in the public consciousness. 

Key words

mental maps, regional identity, image of the territory, social and cultural meanings, social space, values, social stereotypes 

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Дата создания: 12.12.2019 09:34
Дата обновления: 13.12.2019 10:29